In CALIBRADOS PRADERA, once our context as an organization has been analyzed, and the affected stakeholders, we consider QUALITY as a synonym of efficiency and a key factor of competitiveness, survival and growth of the company.
· The Management team is committed to effectively meet the customer’s requirements, as well as the legal and regulatory requirements that affect us.
· The Management has decided to continue and refine an Ongoing Continuing Quality Plan in the organisation, involving and committing the entire Staff.
· The Continuous Training of the Staff is a significant factor in the achievement of The Management Plan of our company.
· It is necessary to involve our Suppliers in the implementation of Improvement Plans of the productivity rates, which ensure a high level of quality in our products.
We work to ensure continuous improvement in each process. Our ongoing commitment is to improve in everything that contributes to providing a better service to our customers. Quality for us is synonymous with efficiency, the key factor in competitiveness, survival and growth. We are committed to working toward TOTAL QUALITY, for this developing a Quality Management System based on the basic and fundamental principles of the European Models of “Excellence in Management” (E.F.Q.M.).
We obtained the ISO 9002:1998 certification for the first time in 2003 and since then we have achieved new certifications, up to the current ISO 9001:2008, and we continue our ongoing work on our Quality System to adapt it to the requirements established in the ISO 9001:2015.
We work with advanced management models (Kaizen, 8D, internal and external audits, etc.) and we are in the process of implementing the IATF Standard.